Antigua and Barbuda Tax Residency

Antigua & Barbuda
offers a special Tax Residency Program for those who want to do business and/or stay in the country.

Permanent Residency can be applied for on an annual basis, with the following conditions:

  • Must maintain a place of abode in Antigua (leased or rented)
  • Physical presence of at least 30 days
  • Payment of a flat tax of US$20,000 per annum
  • Permanent Residents receive a certificate of residency and a TIN (Tax Identification Number)


What are the tax-efficient benefits of becoming a resident? 

The benefits of having tax residency in Antigua & Barbuda, including those who qualify for the Nomad Residence Program, includes not having to worry about the following:


  • No income tax on worldwide income or assets
  • No capital gains tax on worldwide income or assets
  • No inheritance tax on worldwide income or assets
  • No wealth tax on worldwide income or assets
Tax Residency Program